Section One - Heretek Sigmar

Muddle Earth

There was a book published by the Ferryman that muddled up the War In Heaven. In this book he took elements of Jesus and muddled him up to create a new book where the Greek Gods would side with Jesus in Heaven

Jesus and Or as

Jesus used long periods of time to denote what would happen whilst he was on Venus in the Aether. One of the realms in the spheres was known as the Realm of Heaven.

Jesus and Orbs

Jesus created Orbs called Palantir and started using them to find the end eon and win control of Earth.

Jesus and Orcs

Jesus created Orcs in the name of the God Orion.

Jesus and Orders

Jesus used orders to create more Orcs and more go orders.

Jesus and Orgies

In artwork on the walls can be seen lots of naked people have promiscuous activity known as orgies.

Jesus and Orks

Jesus wore a crown on his head from Cork one of the Azorks. The Orks were a species from J.E.S.U.S. the Juxtaposing Emergency Simulation United States.

Jesus and wOrlds

Jesus envisioned he would be king of the World.